Getting to the Bottom of Anxiety

While going through the different phases of a lifetime, a person feels various emotions. Anxiety is one of those emotions which human feels and then reacts to situations accordingly. The effects of this uneasiness vary from person to person. There are numerous times when the feelings of fear, stress, panic, and dread do not disappear. These are times when one feels hopeless in one way or another. However, they get worsen over time.
This website offers information about anxiety, how it affects people, and how one can deal with it.
Exactly what is anxiety?
The body’s reaction to stress is known as anxiety. This emotion arises whenever one feels afraid about what is to come next. It generally happens in the case when one is surrounded by a difficult situation and doesn’t know what has to be done. Along with this one becomes terrified of what will be happening next, would the situation be favorable or not. For instance,
- Numerous people feel anxious, fearful, or frightened when they are required to attend a job interview.
- When one has to deliver his/her task/project at their workplace, some people get anxious during this period of time.
- People get afraid when they have to move to a new place, city, or office.
- Students feel stressed during their exams, and most of them are not able to sleep the night prior to their exams.
- Pupils feel a fearful emotion while performing on stage in front of the whole school.
It is possible to have an anxiety disorder if the feeling of being anxious is extreme. In addition to this, if the situation persists for at least six months, it will have negative effects on one’s life.
Is Anxiety a Disorder?
Everyone has their own terms of fear. A single situation makes different people react differently. While buying a new house, some feel excited whereas, others get afraid of the new place. While giving interviews some feel the excitement that they might learn something new even if they didn’t get a job, on the other hand, some feel terrified that what if they won’t be able to crack it?
However, there is nothing wrong with feeling nervous when moving to a new place, starting a new job, or taking an exam. In spite of its unpleasant nature, this type of anxiety may motivate you to work harder, to get you prepared better next time, to feel motivated, to re-energize you to further deal with similar situations and perform better every time. It’s all your world you have every right to live it the way you want.
Normally, while experiencing this illness, you experience feelings that come and go with time. These feelings do not interfere with your day-to-day activities, which is normal for an individual to deal with.
On the contrary, the feeling of fear may accompany you all the time if you suffer from an anxiety disorder. These feelings follow you everywhere you go, whatever you do. There is a lot of intensity in these types of feelings associated with anxiety disorder and sometimes it can be crippling. A person feels hopeless and feels that he/she is unable to do anything.
When one suffers from this type of anxiety, he/she may lose interest in activities that he/she used to enjoy a lot. As an example,
- One may not be able to enter an elevator, they get the feeling that what if it got a power failure and they got stuck inside?
- Some people with this disorder prefer to stay at home because they don’t feel safe on roads, or while crossing the streets.
These are all the cases when the condition is severe. In addition to this, this has to be kept in mind that in the absence of treatment, the condition of this ailment will continue to worsen.
Generally, it’s all in the brain every problem has a solution these days. Among emotional disorders, anxiety disorders are one of the most prevalent.
What are the Types of Anxiety Disorders?
Anxiety disorder is known to have an illness that can trigger one anytime while facing a stressful event in one’s life. Among its types are:
1. Generalized anxiety disorder
Despite little or no reason, you feel excessive worry and stress. In spite of the fact that there is no specific cause for these tensions and worries, they still exist. It is common for people to worry about a wide range of topics on a regular basis, which includes
- For Adults: Health problems, issues at the workplace, personal relationship problems.
- For Children: They May worry about going to school or their homework, exams, or competitions.
Moreover, in GAD as individuals worry about one thing after another, it seems to never end.
In addition to restlessness and trouble concentrating, GAD can cause problems with sleep also.
2. Panic disorder
When you have recurring panic attacks at unexpected times, it means you are susceptible to them. Panic disorders are generally characterized by sudden panic attacks. Compared to other types of anxiety disorders, these attacks are usually stronger and much more intense.
Feelings that frighten you, can start all of a sudden and out of the blue or sometimes be triggered by confronting a situation that terrifies you. The symptoms of panic attacks can be similar to those of heart attacks. However, in case of a heart attack, you should go to the hospital if you suspect a heart attack.
- Agoraphobia: A specific object, situation, or activity may cause excessive fear in an individual. It is one of the types of anxiety disorder which involves being scared of going to places and avoiding situations that can lead one to get panic attacks. These situations further make people face helplessness and embarrassment.
- Social anxiety disorder: People who suffer from this fear are afraid of being judged by others in social situations. These individuals feel scared of chatting with a group of people while performing on stage,
- Separation anxiety disorder: When you feel this way, you feel threatened by being away from home or your family. For instance, in a child’s life, experiencing separation anxiety might sound normal but when this illness becomes excessive, it affects their life badly. As a result of this disorder, their development gets hindered, which negatively affects their entire lives and leaves them broken.
As an adult, one experiences this type of disorder after getting separated from a life partner.
- Medical issues related to anxiety disorder. A physical health problem directly causes symptoms of anxiety or panic associated with this type of anxiety.
Furthermore, anxiety may be a symptom of several mental health and medical conditions which include:
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Anxiety is caused by the aftermath of a traumatic event in one’s life. These traumas trigger the person at similar events again and again.
- Chronic disease or illness: Anxiety symptoms might result from managing chronic diseases.
- Substance use disorders: Anxious people may self-medicate themselves with the help of any substance in order to cope with their symptoms of anxiety.
Is Anxiety Characterized by Certain Symptoms?
Each person experiences anxiety symptoms differently. A few of us usually get a feeling of butterflies in our stomachs. While others may experience a racing heartbeat, hot flushes, or cold chills. Feeling out of control is common for a person when his/her mind and body are disconnected.
There are a number of causes behind one experiencing fear and worry, including general anxiety or fear of a particular location, situation, or event. There is a possibility that a panic attack could occur at any time and any place.
Symptoms of anxiety can include:
- Anxiety-provoking thoughts or beliefs: Thoughts in an individual’s mind can feed his/her anxiety disorder making it worse.
- Breathing problems: A person while being in an anxious state may encounter short breaths or may find trouble breathing.
- Concentration problems: People suffering from this disorder face issues while focusing on things or matters.
- Inability to fall asleep: Anxiety patients often struggle while sleeping.
- Feeling fatigued: Anxiety may prevent you from sleeping at night, leaving you restless and tired during the day.
- Feeling irritable: It is difficult for you to control your irritability during anxiety attacks. Small things that usually do not annoy or agitate people can become annoying and they feel irritable if they are struggling with anxiety.
- Experiencing unexplained pains: People experience pains in different parts of the body unexpectedly.
- Tingling sensations: Anxiety often causes tingling and numbness. Most commonly, this can be felt on the face, legs, feet, arms, and hands or can occur almost anywhere on the body.
- Sweating: Nerves activate sweat glands in response to emotions, hormones, or other stress-causing events. A person’s body temperature rises when they feel stressed, which stimulates sweat gland production.
- Hot flashes or cold chills: Heat or warmth experienced suddenly and unexpectedly is known as a hot flash. Individuals may immediately start feeling sweaty due to intense heat in their face and neck area.
Shivering and feeling shaky can occur when someone experiences a chill due to anxiety.
The anxiety symptoms you experience might differ from those of someone else. The reason why knowledge of anxiety’s symptoms is crucial is that it can present itself in a variety of ways. These are all signs that one should be aware of.
What is Worse Anxiety or Panic Attack?

During a panic attack, a person feels a rush of intense fear within 10 to 20 minutes of onset. Even though these minutes may seem like few to others, they may seem like hours to someone who is experiencing panic attacks. It is possible to know or not know what triggers the fear and causes these attacks.
Furthermore, it is possible to confuse heart attack symptoms with physical symptoms. Panic attacks can be worse for individuals if they believe that they are having a heart. Apart from this, the fear of being judged negatively if they are having an attack in public is another common fear that can exacerbate a panic attack.
People may experience panic attacks in different ways, and their symptoms may differ as well. It is also important to note that anxiety symptoms do not affect everyone, and they may change over time.
Common symptoms of a panic attack include:
- Insecurities about losing control
- Pain in the chest and choking sensation
- Fear of impending disaster
- Stomach-ache or nausea
- Sweating, chills, hot flashes, and shakiness
- Face, hands, or feet that are numb or tingly
- Excessive breathlessness
- Death phobia
There is a possibility that you have a panic disorder if you experience repeated panic attacks.
Anxiety causes: Why do you feel anxious?
Anxiety isn’t known to have a specific cause, according to experts. Several factors probably contribute to the problem.
The causes of anxiety may include:
- Generalized anxiety disorder in close relatives
- Depressive disorders or diabetes can make one feel anxious
- Feeling stressed out
- Children who have been abused by their parents, for instance
- Alcohol and other drugs
Anxiety Disorders are Common Among Certain Groups of People
Different risk factors are associated with different types of anxiety.
1. A Genetic Factor
There is no evidence that genetics is the main cause of anxiety based on researches. Nevertheless, it is possible that some people can be genetically predisposed to the disease.
2. Factors Affecting One’s Personality
In childhood, shyness and nervousness are common among people and sometimes these may result in making a person feel anxious.
3. Life Experiences
Exposure to negative or stressful life events during hard times in life may push one towards this disorder.
4. Medical Conditions
There are higher chances of one experiencing anxiety if one suffers from thyroid problems or other health conditions.
5. Caffeine consumption
Is it Possible to Diagnose Anxiety with Tests?
- A psychological assessment, mental health tests, and physical examination are typically required to diagnose anxiety disorders. So overall there is a long-predefined method to assess this type of illness and can not be done in just one go.
- A person may be asked to undergo a physical examination including blood or urine tests to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be causing your symptoms to get worse.
How does Anxiety get Treated?
A doctor can help you find the right treatment options once you’ve received a diagnosis of anxiety. And the best part is that it is possible to overcome the symptoms through treatment.
In terms of anxiety treatment, there are three main categories:
- Psychotherapy: CBT and ERF can be used together in therapy.
- Health techniques that are complementary to conventional medicine: Using alternative methods which are also natural ways to tackle this type of ailment include mindfulness, yoga, and consuming brain food.
- Taking medication. A doctor prescribing antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication can be very effective along with the aforementioned points.
Psychologists and therapists also assist you the numerous strategies in order to deal with stressful situations.
Is There a Natural Remedy for Anxiety?
Changing your lifestyle can help you cope with some of the stress and anxiety you face every day. Health-promoting activities and avoiding harmful ones are the most effective natural “treatments.”.
These include:
- A good night’s sleep
- Maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle
- Dietary habits (healthy meals full of nutrition)
- Alcohol avoidance
- Avoiding caffeine consumption
- Practicing meditation
Mental Health Disorders such as Anxiety and Depression are Interlinked?
A person suffering from an anxiety disorder may also be suffering from depression because they are interlinked. Mental health disorders like anxiety and depression can occur alone, but it isn’t uncommon for them to occur together, too. As a result, if you have been experiencing hard times and getting anxiety attacks frequently, it would be wise to see a psychiatrist.
In the case of clinical or major depression, anxiety can be one of the symptoms. Moreover, depression symptoms can also worsen when anxiety symptoms are present. Hence, the best course of action is to get treatment only at the beginning. Treatments for both conditions: psychotherapy (counseling), medications, and lifestyle changes (such as exercises, walks, physical activities, and nutritious food) can help alleviate symptoms.
Stress vs. Anxiety: What’s the Difference?
Despite their similarities, stress and anxiety are two different things. There are plenty of reasons to feel stressed, such as
- One feel stressed about the forthcoming exams or competitions at schools or universities,
- An individual feels stress on his/her wedding day,
- Presentations or seminars at the workplace cause one to get stressed out,
- Migrating from the native country to any other country is a big change in one’s life so it is not to get stressed in this situation.
Stress is a natural response to a stressful situation or event that happens in our life on a regular basis and as soon as the trigger is removed, stress will disappear.
The symptoms of anxiety, however, persist despite any trigger and may exist without any known reason. Additionally, it can happen at any place and at any time, you never know. There may be a need for treatment if a person is suffering from anxiety disorder and should not be neglected.
There are physical symptoms associated with anxiety:
- Weakness and fatigue
- Feeling dizzy
- Mouth feeling dry
- Aching and tension in the muscles
- Over sweating
- Having trouble sleeping
- Pain in the stomach
- Getting frequent headaches
Natural Remedies for Anxiety Prevention
Symptoms of anxiety and its prevention can be achieved in many ways. Below are the options you can choose from:
1. An avoidance strategy
A person’s stress and anxiety can be reduced by avoiding places, situations, or people which give them a feeling of fear that is intolerable. However, this strategy would only be effective for a short amount of time. Therefore, it’s best to go for a long-term solution. Getting treatment can help you avoid triggers permanently and is a highly effective long-term way of getting rid of anxiety.
2. Limit your caffeine intake
Anxiety symptoms can be exacerbated by caffeine.
3. Manage stress and practice mindfulness
It is beneficial to practice stress management and mindfulness in order to prevent strain. This technique has a great effect on one’s brain to fight against certain fears.
4. A therapy session
Anxiety can be managed more effectively by speaking with a therapist. By having this discussion with your therapist, your therapist can figure out what is causing you stress and help you combat it.
5. Join a support group
The opportunity to share coping strategies and experiences with others is one of the benefits of speaking with others. In this way, one can learn several ways to tackle these situations.
Getting to the Bottom of Anxiety | Health and w...
[…] Anxiety is one of those emotions which human feels and then reacts to situations accordingly and its effects vary from person to person. […]